Every day has 1440 minutes. I take pictures because I believe that some of those minutes deserve to exist forever.

I have been taking pictures for almost 10 years. My favorite part about taking pictures is when someone sees how beautiful they really are. I think that we often get caught up in the fast-paced rat race of life and we forget that we are all stunning humans that deserve to be celebrated with fantastic imagery.

Why the name Irreverent Imagery? Because the images I capture of you are to celebrate your irreverent side! Not your 9-5 “nice” personality but the part of you that doesn’t give a fuck.

While most of the people I shoot are women, I am open to working with all people. I also enjoy shooting couples. I look forward to shooting the most exciting images of your life!

Go Ahead, Book a Shoot…I DARE YOU!

I’m excited to work with you!